Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One day at a time and Interracial ralationships

Well Sabrina and I has hit the ground running with our relationship so far. Lately we have slowed down because we ran into some problems in our relationship, mainly on race because we are different in race and it has been my fault.
For most people I think, interracial relationships are hard to maintain, mostly white vs. black people. According to the AP(, Factoring in all racial combinations, Stanford University sociologist Michael Rosenfeld calculates that more than 7 percent of America’s 59 million married couples in 2005 were interracial, compared to less than 2 percent in 1970. The numbers of interracial dating or couples are growing by the year which is good because without interracial relationships, the world would be boring.
Meeting her family within the next couple weeks would be interesting because they are expecting big muscular smart guy even though she told her mom dont expect that. I hope it will turn out good.